Choosing a Kernel Filter

The modular design of our Kernel arrays allows you to easily configure which number of sensors and thus filters each array contains. Once you determine how many sensors you will use you need to choose which filter will be paired with each sensor. The selection of which filter to use is based on which wavelengths of light you need to capture in order to assess the particular contrast within your subject matter. Often times it is best to find past research papers to determine which wavelengths you need to capture and which index to use to process the pixel data.

Kernel uses a threaded internal glass filter to allow only certain wavelengths of light to reach the sensor.


Kernel Filter Specifications:

Outer Diameter Threads: 25.4mm x 1-32 UN 2A (C Mount) pitch
Clear Aperture: 9.0mm
Filter Mount Thickness: 3.0mm
Mount Material: Black Anodized Aluminum
Filter Glass Thickness: 1.0mm
Filter Glass Surface Quality: 40/20


Available Kernel Filters:



Peak Wavelength

Transmission Range (50%)


Typical Uses

F405 MONO 405nm 400-415nm VIEW Ultraviolet (UV) light detection
F450 MONO 450nm 429-459nm VIEW Blue light indices
F490 MONO 490nm 468-506nm VIEW Blue light indices
F518 MONO 518nm 507-527nm VIEW Green light indices
F550 MONO 550nm 535-565nm VIEW Green light indices
F590 MONO 590nm 574-606nm VIEW Green light indices
F615 MONO 615nm 603-624nm VIEW Green light indices
F632 MONO 632nm 625-655nm VIEW Red light indices
F650 MONO 650nm 641-672nm VIEW Red light indices
F685 MONO 685nm 674-698nm VIEW Red light indices
F725 MONO 725nm 712-735nm VIEW Red-edge indices
F780 MONO 780nm 762-796nm VIEW NIR light indices
F808 MONO 808nm 801-815nm VIEW NIR light indices
F850 MONO 850nm 835-865nm VIEW NIR light indices
F880 MONO 880nm 867-893nm VIEW NIR light indices
F940 MONO 940nm 905-965nm VIEW NIR light indices
F945 MONO 945nm 941-949nm VIEW NIR light indices
F644 RGB X 395-638nm VIEW Visible light RGB only (Cut-off 648nm)
F475-550-850 RGB 475nm & 550nm & 850nm 468-483nm & 543-558nm & 835-865nm VIEW ENDVI, improved NDVI
F550-660-850 RGB 550nm & 660nm & 850nm 543-558nm & 653-668nm & 835-865nm VIEW NDVI, GNDVI, CVI, NG, NNIR, NR, TVI
F395-870 RGB 395nm & 870nm 375-425nm & 745-970nm VIEW Atmospheric indices

Top Lens Protector

The clear glass lens protector on Kernel provides a sealed, abrasion resistant aperture. You can thread additional filters on top of the LP but do not suggest it due to increased vignetting that may result.

Outer Diameter: 24.0mm
Threads: 22.5mm x 0.5mm pitch
Clear Aperture: 18.5mm
Filter Mount Thickness: 7.0mm
Filter Glass Thickness: 1.0mm
Mount Material: Black Anodized Aluminum

Useful Transmission Range: 350-1100nm
Cut-on Wavelength 50% Transmission: 330nm
Tolerance: +/- 10nm
Peak Transmission: >90%
Surface Quality: 40/20

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