Survey3 PRO Cable - m12(F) to USB (PWR) + TRIG + EXP (3.0m)

Use this m12 female (F) cable to connect to USB power and standard servo PWM trigger and relay exposure pulse connections. The GNSS (GPS) wire is available and does not have a connector installed.

We recommend USB chargers supporting up to 2.4A such as our Survey3 PRO USB Charger.

All Survey3 PRO cameras contain a 6 position (pin) m12 industrial IP67 male (M) plug. The port on the camera is male (M) and the connecting cable is female (F).

The m12 pin assignment is as follows:

Pin Position Wire Color Signal Name
1 Brown Power 5V
2 White Ground (Power)
3 Blue GNSS (GPS) RX
4 Black Trigger (PWM)
5 Grey Exposure (Strobe)
6 Pink Ground (Signal)

Here is a drawing showing pin position of the camera's m12 male (M) port:

USB + SERVO Plug End:

USB Positive + 5V Input
USB Negative - Ground (Power)
GNSS Wire GNSS Input (RX)
SERVO White Signal
SERVO Red Not Used
SERVO Black Ground (Signal)