When plane starts, you will hear a musical tone as the flight controller boots up. Listen for 3 different tone beeps which means the camera is powering on. Then, listen for 6 beeps from the camera confirming that GPS has a lock. Verify that the top external GPS receiver has both a solid green and blinking blue LED, this means the camera has power and photos will be geotagged.
Connect the Telemetry Radio to your android device's USB micro port using the included angled USB cable. Make sure the LED inside the radio lights up green
The Magpy's flight controller has a GPS lock when the distinct 3 tone sequence is heard and center flight controller LED is green.
Click the Mission Control icon to launch the application.
Approve 3 App Permissions.
Choose an account to sign in with.
On the vehicles page click Add Vehicle. On vehicle type choose Magpy from the drop-down, then tap Connect.
Allow Mission Control to use USB Device.
Once added to your vehicle list click Done to go to the main menu.
Click menu button in bottom left.
Click Connect To Vehicle. Vehicle should now be connected.
Click menu and go to Calibrate IMU and follow instructions on calibration. Calibration should be re-done whenever you travel a sizable distance from the last calibration location. When in doubt, calibrate.
Click menu. Click Flight Control and blow steadily into Magpy’s front black nose plug to verify air-speed sensor is working.
Verify Speed value increases drastically (should be much larger than Ground speed when blowing into nose inlet). Tilt drone around and verify that elevation and direction icons change.
Tap camera icon in top right and listen for camera beep signaling that the camera is capturing a photo.